How to deal with inconvenient findings about mobile phone radiation and cancer
July 20, 2024
What do you do when a large, well-conducted study finds evidence that radiofrequency (wireless) radiation can cause cancer?
You shut down the research project.
In an article published recently in ‘Health Matters’, Professor James Lin from the University of Illinois in Chicago discussed the US National Toxicology Program’s (NTP’s) decision to close its radiation research program and what that means for us all.
‘In 2018, NTP published the final report on its US$30 million laboratory research showing “clear evidence” that lifelong exposure to low-level RF radiation caused cancers in rats,’ Lin wrote. ‘The statistically significant findings showed that both GSM- and CDMA-modulated 900-MHz RF radiation had led to the development of malignant schwannoma, a rare form of tumor in the hearts of male rats. Furthermore, an independent analysis of the NTP data for overall cancer incidence detected in any organ or tissue inside the animal showed that rats exposed to GSM and CDMA cellphone RF radiation had significantly higher overall or total primary tumor incidence than the concurrent controls.’
This project was one of the largest and most detailed animal studies at the time and its results were supported by a study from the Ramazzini Institute in Italy.
In 2019 the NTP planned a further study to investigate how mobile phone radiation could cause cancer. It never eventuated. Instead, the NTP announced it would terminate its radiation research, effectively ending all nonmilitary research on the biological effects of radiofrequency radiation in the US.
So where does that leave the mobile-phone-using public?
Lin says, ‘nearly 100% of all Americans are being cast as subjects in a massive health experiment without a formal protocol. Furthermore, billions of people worldwide, including the young and older adults, are being exposed to unnecessary levels of human-made wireless RF radiation.’
He invites his readers to consider the implications.
‘Should we all forget about NTP’s findings of clear scientific evidence that lifelong exposure to low-level RF radiation causes cancer from a federal government health agency that prides itself in telling the nation that its product is “science you can depend on for decisions that matter”?’
Lin is an expert in electrical and computer engineering, with extensive experience in bioelectromagnetics. He was a member of ICNIRP (International commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection, President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and Vice President, National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements, among his many professional achievements.
J. C. Lin, "Follow-Up Research on NTP’s Clear Evidence on RF Causing Malignant Tumors in Rats [Health Matters]," in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 16-18, June 2024, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2024.3378608.
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