How Safe Is Your Family?

Answer these simple questions to find out how safe your family is:




1.     I (or someone in my family) regularly use wireless devices.



2.     I (or someone in my family) press the WiFi OFF switch on the modem at night.



3.     I (or someone in my family) use or plan to use a laptop shield below my wireless laptop or a tablet shield below my tablet.



4.     I (or someone in my family) have had my home tested by a professional and have put in place their recommendations.



5.     I (or someone in my family) use my mobile phone as an alarm clock.



6.     I (or someone in my family) sleep on the other side of the wall from a meter box.



7.     I (or someone in my family) carry my mobile phone in a pocket while it’s turned on.



8.     I (or someone in my family) use a wired-only phone and internet network.



9.     I (or someone in my family) use Bluetooth or WiFi in the car.



10.  I have a wireless smart meter and no shielding on the inside wall.



11.  I (or someone in my family) make most of my calls on a mobile or cordless phone.



12.  I (or someone in my family) use harmonising products.



Rate your responses.

  1. I (or someone in my family) regularly use wireless devices.
    1. Yes -2
    2. No +5
  2. I (or someone in my family) press the WiFi OFF switch on the modem at night.
    1. Yes 0 Turning off the modem switch doesn’t always stop the modem emitting radiation.  
    2. No 0
  3. I (or someone in my family) use or plan to use a laptop shield below my wireless laptop or a tablet shield below my tablet.
    1. Yes -2 This can increase exposure to the vital organs.
    2. No 0
  4. I (or someone in my family) have had my home tested by a professional and have put in place their recommendations.
    1. Yes +5
    2. No 0
  5. I (or someone in my family) use my mobile phone as an alarm clock.
    1. Yes – 2
    2. No + 2
  6. I (or someone in my family) sleep on the other side of the wall from a meter box.
    1. Yes – 2
    2. No 0
  7. I (or someone in my family) carry my mobile phone in a pocket while it’s turned on.
    1. Yes – 2
    2. No + 2
  8. I (or someone in my family) use a wired-only phone and internet network.
    1. Yes + 5
    2. No – 2
  9. I (or someone in my family) use Bluetooth or WiFi in the car.
    1. Yes – 2
    2. No + 2
  10. I have a wireless smart meter and no shielding on the inside wall.
    1. Yes – 2
    2. No 0
  11. I (or someone in my family) make most of my calls on a mobile or cordless phone.
    1. Yes – 2
    2. No + 2
  12. I (or someone in my family) use harmonising products.
    1. Yes 0 These make no measurable difference to exposure, so there’s no evidence they are effective.
    2. No 0


+ 10: Fantastic work! You’ve done well to protect your family.

0 – 10: It’s great that you’ve taken some positive steps to protect your family but there’s still lots of room for improvement.

Less than 0:  Now would be a good time to take steps to improve your family’s safety.