Administrator’s Test Kit
Our Administrator’s Test Kit is an essential tool for Workplace Health and Safety management.
Both magnetic fields from electrical sources and radiofrequency (wireless) radiation have been classified as Class 2B carcinogens.
Risks from exposure have been recognised by scientific and medical authorities, insurers and courts. Mitigating risks is an essential managerial responsibility.
The Administrators' Test Kit allows administrators to determine what fields are present in their school, office or workplace and to monitor exposure of their staff, students and workers.
The kit measures
1. magnetic fields from powerlines, wiring, substations, transformers, meter boxes, computer equipment, photocopiers, electrical appliances, microwave ovens and other electrical equipment and
2. radiofrequency radiation from mobile and cordless phones, mobile phone base stations, NBN transmitters, computers/laptops/tablets, and other ‘smart’ and wireless devices.
It can be used to- measure the fields at workstations and desks
- locate safe distances from electrical equipment
- identify exposure of staff with pacemakers
- locate sources of high exposure.
EMR Australia can provide assistance to reduce exposure where indicated.
Our Administrators' Test Kit contains
- a Tenmars TM-192 triaxial magnetic field meter (gaussmeter) that measures magnetic fields in milliGauss or microTesla.
- an FM5 Freedom Monitor that measures radiofrequency radiation
- information about “safe” levels of exposure
- a $90 padded equipment case
- easy-to-follow instructions for how, when and where to measure for optimum results and handy safety tips
Customer Reviews
'Here's what customers have said about the meters in the Administrator’s Test Kit.
'This kit helped to find out where high levels were coming from and helped us to
start the process of a healthier environment'
'Thanks for your help. The meter was easy to use and the instruction booklet was
very helpful'
'Thanks. This is what I have been looking for for years'
'It was very useful. I will definitely use in the future in I recommended it to a few
friends already.'
'It gave me peace of mind... The instructions were brilliant, too.'
'We used it to check the readings around some overhead powerlines that are close
to some land we were looking at purchasing. It was good to see the readings no
higher than what we have at our current home which gives some peace of mind.'
'I enjoyed testing the various environments I live and work in' By C.J.
'The kit was most helpful and helped us identify some changes which we can
make.' By R.M.
'You are doing a great job and a wonderful service to the Australian community. Keep up the good work.’ By L.C.