Tech is Turning Millennials Into A Generation Of Hunchbacks
'Youn suffers from “tech neck,” or forward head syndrome, a painful, increasingly common condition caused by slumping over devices for hours a day that leads the neck to lose its natural curve — and triggers a physiological imbalance in the upper body. Previously seen in middle-age or older desk jockeys and dentists who hunch over patients, it’s now materializing in younger generations who grew up with smartphones, tablets and other personal devices.
“Now, 20-year-olds have the spine health of a 30- or 40-year-old. It’s an epidemic,” says Kang.
Dr. Brian Wallace, a chiropractor based in Bernardsville, NJ, says he’s witnessing the same thing at his practice. “We’re seeing it in younger and younger children because they’re getting their phones at a younger age,” he says. “It’s one of the most common things we see.” According to a 2016 study by the research firm Influence Central, the average age at which an American child gets their first smartphone is 10.3 years.'
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