Legal Seminar, Sydney and Other Links
Here are some links to some very important events.
In October and November the Law Faculty of the University of NSW arranged three events about wireless devices for different audiences: one was for lawyers; one for a general audience (which included local and visiting neurosurgeons); and one for research engineers. There is a link to each below.
Dr Davis's Sydney Lecture
The much-awaited video of the public lecture by Dr Devra Davis which was held at UNSW Law School on 18 November 2015, is now available. It was entitled 'Wireless Devices: what we know; what we do not know; and what we can do now.'
After the lecture there was a 30 minute discussion between Dr Davis and Dr Charles Teo, a neurosurgeon from the UNSW and the Prince of Wales Hospital. He was in the audience together with other neurosurgeons visiting from USA and Cuba. This was followed by some questions from the audience. The first questioner asked about when and where the film could be viewed.
The lecture can be seen here:
Dr Maryanne Demasi from the ABC replied without a microphone. Her silent answer was that it will be part of a Catalyst program on ABC TV to be screened in March 2016.
The lecture was co-sponsored by Continuing Professional Development in the Faculty of Law at UNSW and by the Australian Energy Research Institute in the Faculty of Engineering at UNSW.
Legal seminar: 'Wireless Devices: Risk Regulation Compliance and Liability.' 14 October
This was facilitated by Mr Robyn Williams from the ABC Science Unit and held at the CBD Campus UNSW.
There were presentations by 3 scientists and 3 corporate lawyers who outlined the regualtory and common law framework. In particular they considered the WHS issues . In the final segment a current case was discussed by the lawyers who asked for opinions from the panel of 3 scientists and an electrical engineer.
The printed materials for the seminar and a 4 hour audio recording is now available for $44 at:
Professor Dariusz Leszczynski
On 27 November, Professor Dariusz Leszczynski, presented material about the biological effects of mobile devices to a group of research engineers. He is a highly qualified molecular biologist, who from 2000 was the Research Professor at Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Helsinki, Finland. The slides from this presentation may be seen at