EMFs in Cars, Trains, Planes and Buses - part 1
Different cars can expose you to very different levels of EMFs, and where you sit in the car can be critical, whether you are the driver or a passenger. The electrical and electronic equipment can disturb electrically sensitive people, especially in the front seats, where the fields are likely to be higher. People can feel worse when cars are stationary, with the engine idling. The smaller the car, that is the closer the engine is to the driver, the higher the EMF exposure is likely to be. Major magnetic peak pulses around 0.1µT occur during braking, and ABS systems tend to create higher magnetic fields. The more electronics are put into the wheel, like cruise control, the more exposure the driver has to deal with. Automatic windows make extra magnetic pulses.
You can read more of this excellent article by the EMFields team here.
Look out for part 2 tomorrow.