Insights on wireless radiation from a physicist
Insights on wireless radiation from a physicist
Perhaps you’d like to know more about the radiofrequency (wireless) radiation that’s generally present in our homes and communities. You might be wondering:
how do we know whether wireless radiation is harmful?
what about 5G? Is it a risk to our health?
could wireless radiation be more dangerous than the radiation we get from natural sources, such as the sun?
even if it’s non-ionizing?
can it harm our bodies, even though it doesn’t heat them? (Australian and international standards are based on preventing the heating effects of radiation.)
do these standards protect us?
what can we do to protect ourselves and our families?
The answers to these and other questions have been kindly provided by Dr Leendert Vriens, a retired physicist and expert in radiofrequency (wireless) radiation from the Netherlands. In an interview with Lyn McLean, he provides important insights about this radiation, how it affects our bodies and what we can do to protect ourselves.
Dr Vriens provides a summary of the evidence showing that wireless radiation is linked with cancer, oxidative stress (and related health problems), fertility, leakage of the blood-brain-barrier and cognitive performance and that current standards don’t protect us.
The full text of his interview can be found below, but here are some fascinating glimpses.
- Dr Vriens says that the short-term health effects of wireless radiation include:
neurological effects, like fatigue, headaches, dizziness, memory and concentration problems, insomnia and anxiety.
cardiac effects, such as heart arrhythmias and high blood pressure
eye problems, such as pressure in the eyes, deteriorating vision and cataracts.
ear problems, such as ringing and low-frequency noise.
and a range of other effects, such as skin problems (allergic reactions, burning), digestive problems and nosebleeds.
The long-term health effects include fatigue, pains, high blood pressure, hearing disturbing noise and digestive problems. Other long-term effects include cancer, neurological diseases, genetic effects such as male sterility, miscarriage and birth defects.’
Why do our bodies react to wireless radiation? Dr Vriens says that ‘Almost all reactions in our body and all reactions with external material entering our body are determined by electromagnetic forces. That is because molecules, atoms and ions are composed of positively charged nuclei and negatively charged electrons. The wireless communication also introduces electromagnetic forces in our body.’
Dr Vriens says that ‘The photons of ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, indeed have enough energy to cause ionization and breaking of molecular bonds in our body. This can be harmful for our health.’ He explains that when a group of soldiers stand on a bridge, the bridge remains intact. However, when the soldiers march across a bridge in time with each other, the vibration they generate can (and has) collapsed a bridge. And so it is with photons. One photon alone doesn’t cause harm; but many photons acting coherently (in a wave) can.
On the question of whether international standards protect us, Dr Vriens says that ‘Heating has almost never been a criterion for determining whether a biological effect is harmful or beneficial to our health.’ He refers to many agents that have harmful effects on our bodies – tobacco, DDT, asbestos, glyphosate – without heating them.
He says some countries - Italy, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Russia, China and some other countries – have radiation limits that are factors of 10 to 100 lower than those of the ICNIRP [the International Commission of Non-ionizing Radiation Protection] on which Australia’s standard is based.
In his interview, Dr Vriens addresses these and other important issues that help us better understand wireless radiation and make informed decisions about our exposure.
You can see the interview with Dr Vriens here.
You can read the full text of the interview with Dr Vriens and Lyn McLean and see the Appendix with additional information here.
What can you do?
Discover your exposure with our meters for measuring wireless radiation.
Learn how to make your home EMR-safe with our online course: Your Electromagnetic-safe Home.
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