Family of 5 sick near 5G tower

July 6, 2024 

A Swedish couple with three young children rented a holiday cottage for three summers in a row. It was located 125 metres from a mobile phone base station.

The family’s first two holidays passed without any health problems. However, on their third visit to the cottage in 2023, all five family members developed health problems soon after they arrived.

What had changed since their last visit?

In the intervening year, three telecommunications companies had installed 5G antennas on the base station, exposing the cottage to levels of up to 43,400 µW/m2.

According to Professor Lennart Hardell and Mona Nilsson who documented the case, the parents, both aged 39, experienced severe sleeping problem, headaches, fatigue and irregular heartbeat. The woman also experienced serious, but less severe dysethesia (abnormal sense of touch) and numbness and the man experienced breathlessness.

‘Also all children aged 4, 6 and 8 years had sleeping problems and were emotional, both symptoms graded 10 on the 10-grade severity scale,’ the authors said. ‘Two of the children got diarrhea, pain in the stomach and headache graded between 8 and 3 on the severity scale. The child aged 6 years who did not get pain in the stomach and diarrhea, got skin rashes graded 8 on the severity scale.’

Hardell and Nilsson say that the family’s symptoms are consistent with microwave sickness, also known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, which was documented as early as the 1960s. ‘Investigations of exposed workers showed that microwave (RF) exposure at non–thermal levels caused symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headache, sleep disorders, anxiety, problems with attention and memory,’ they said.

The symptoms disappeared or returned to base level when the family returned to their home where radiation levels were lower.

The symptoms this family experienced are consistent with those experienced in other investigations by Hardell and Nilsson. The authors say, ‘This study confirmed results from previous case studies that healthy people who tolerated radiation from 3G or 4G antennas, rather rapidly developed symptoms of the microwave syndrome after base stations in their vicinity were equipped with 5G antennas.’

Nilsson M, Hardell L, Case Report: Both Parents and their Three Children Developed Symptoms of the Microwave Syndrome while on Holiday near a 5G Tower. Ann Clin Med Case Rep. 2023; V12(1): 1-7

Don’t forget

Tomorrow is World EHS Day – a day to recognise the electromagnetic hypersensitivity that is affecting so many people worldwide. We invite you, your friends and your family to make it a radiation-free day by planning activities that support fun, activity, relationships and nature rather than spending time on wireless devices.

You can see our suggestions in last week’s blog here.

Detect wireless radiation in or near your home

The CEMProtec 31 is a handy, economical and easy-to-use device for detecting radiofrequency (wireless) radiation.

It detects signals from mobile phones, wireless routers, WiFi devices, mobile phone towers (including the 5G frequencies emitted by the phone tower in this article), baby monitors, microwave ovens and other wireless devices.

You can see more here.

What else can you do?

  • Book a remote assessment of your home and find out how to reduce your family’s exposure here

  • Download your free copy of our July issue of EMR and Health here.

  • forward this email to others to inform them, too.