Modem/router – option 2 - wireless-disabling
Anther way we can help you have radiation-free internet is by disabling the wireless function of your existing modem or router for you.
Our experienced technician can access your computer remotely and adjust the settings of the modem/router so that it emits as little radiation as is technically possible. That may be all radiation coming from the equipment or some of it - and that will depend on the type of modem/router you have.
This process takes approximately one hour and means that, afterwards, you will need to connect your devices to the modem/router using ethernet cables.
Please be aware that, although our technician perform this function, there may be future updates to software/firmware that cause the equipment to turn on wireless functionality again. We recommend you monitor this by routinely taking measurements with one of our wireless meters.
A permanent way to ensure you are free of radiation when using the internet is to use our radiation-free modem/router (option 1) for safe internet and landline phone(s).
For our technician to access your computer remotely, you will need to have Teamviewer, which can be downloaded for free. (Select the default installation option.)
Once you've purchased this service, our technician will be in touch with you to organise details with you.