World EHS Day – June 16

June 12, 2023

We provide access to public places for people in wheelchairs. We provide services for the hearing impaired. We provide support pensions for people with disabilities.

But what are we doing for people impaired by electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)?

EHS, as we’ve seen recently, is the experience of unpleasant and sometimes disabling symptoms that occur as a result of exposure to electromagnetic fields. It can include symptoms of headaches, depression, memory, concentration and sleep problems, pain and nausea – and there are many more.

A large and growing number of people around the world are affected by it, there are support groups in many countries to help sufferers, and it was recently the subject of a workshop hosted by the European Parliament.

June 16 is World EHS Day, an opportunity to recognise the condition and do something about it.

Here’s what all of us, including EHS people, can do.

  • Don’t use wireless devices near other people – such as public buildings, public transport or community gatherings – because you’ll be irradiating them too.

  • Don’t ring people on their mobile phones. Call them on their landline preferably or email or text. The less time you & others spend on your mobiles, the better.

  • Don’t buy wireless equipment for your home – which irradiates your family and your neighbours. Avoid wireless devices you don’t need and use wired (non-wireless) devices that you do need.

  • Are you addicted to your mobile phone? (Go on, admit it!) See what you can do to kick the habit.

  • Encourage your child’s school to take responsible actions such as that below.

Here’s what schools can do.

  • Develop a policy for reducing students’ exposure to wireless radiation. (Yes, many students, teachers and staff are sensitive to this radiation.)

  • Ban the use of mobile phones (which interfere with learning) and wearable wireless devices at school, as many schools are doing.

  • Plan for wired rather than wireless internet connections.

  • Educate students and parents about the risks of using wireless devices including:
    • sleep problems

    • reduced academic performance

    • health effects

    • addiction

    • reduced physical activity

    • increased behaviour problems

    • reduced interpersonal skills, including empathy.

  • Provide services for students and staff with internet addiction.

  • Measure the fields in your home to find out just what you’re exposed to.

Here’s what administrators can do.

  • Provide options for radiation-free public transport – eg some train carriages, some buses.

  • Ensure all internet connections in public buildings are wired, rather than wireless.

  • Encourage employees to reduce mobile phone use at work.

  • Purchase wired rather than wireless equipment.

  • Don’t allow base stations to be installed on the roof of your buildings.

How we can help?

  • Don’t forget, you can claim many of our products as a tax deduction. Order your laptop, PC or radiation-free modems and routers before the end of the financial year.
  • We can help your school, business, organisation develop policies and strategies for reducing exposure. Contact us for more information.

  • We can measure exposure in homes, schools and public buildings. 

What else can you do?

  • forward this email to others to inform them, too

  • see the latest news in our May newsletter EMR and Health here

  • book a phone consultation to find answers to your questions here.