What should we do about antibiotic resistance?
February 14, 2025
If you’ve ever had a serious bacterial infection, you’ve probably had a dose of antibiotics.
So how would you feel if they hadn’t worked?
Unfortunately, antibiotic-resistant bacterial are spreading – with alarming consequences for health, reports Associate Professor Olle Johansson.
Johansson says that ‘within the EU [alone] there are yearly more than 35,000 deaths due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and, by the year 2050, it has been calculated that more than 10,000,000 people worldwide will die prematurely each year due to antibiotic resistance.’
The problem is so serious that the World Health Organization has classified some bacteria – carbapenem-resistant bacteria – as a global health threat.
Given the number of lives at stake, it might surprise you to learn that one of the causes of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is being ignored.
That factor, Johansson says, is wireless radiation, and he points to research that we should be taking notice of.
Taheri (2017) showed that radiation from GSM mobile phones (900 MHz) and Wi-Fi routers (2.4 GHz) made Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli bacteria resistant to different antibiotics.
Bala (2018) showed that bacteria in soil near a base station had more antibiotic resistance than bacteria in soil further away.
Additionally, and amazingly, a 2022 study Rao and team showed that the biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria actually communicate using frequencies used by Wi-Fi and 5G.
‘So this recent [Rao] study indicates that bacterial cells in biofilms may use electromagnetic signals to communicate which are of the similar type as our own cell phone and WiFi signals!’ Johansson says. ‘Biofilms are one of the most ubiquitous forms of biological systems on earth, and are commonly associated with infectious diseases. They are also responsible for contamination of medical devices and implants, deterioration of water quality, and microbial-induced corrosion.’
Johansson believes that the evidence should be a warning to us all. ‘Science has already demonstrated that bacteria exposed to mobile phones and WiFi radiation are resistant to antibiotics. The implications of this are chilling and may easily explain the ongoing huge and highly frightening development of more and more antibiotics-resistant microorganisms around the world.’
Olle Johansson: Stop! In the Name of Life!, Newsvoice, 9 January, 2025.
Check the levels of radiation in your environment
The CEMProtec 31 is an economical and easy-to-use tool for detecting radiofrequency (wireless) radiation from mobile phones, base stations, wifi devices, routers, baby monitors, microwave ovens, ear buds and other wireless devices.
You can see more here.
What else can you do?