The truth about EMR effects

July 31, 2023

Would you like to know the truth about electromagnetic radiation?

Would you like to know the truth about anything at all?

Then you’d better be quick.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is preparing legislation aimed at controlling communications and imposing penalties for information it does not approve.

The ‘Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023’ aims to control information available to the public by making online platform services responsible for the information they disseminate. It will apply to social media, search engines, instant messaging services, news aggregators and podcasting services. Hefty penalties will be imposed for noncompliance.

If passed, the Bill has the potential to censor all communications in Australia and strikes at the heart of freedom of speech.

The ACMA is accepting feedback from the public on the Bill until 6 August 2023.

Some of the many problems with the Bill include these.

  • It violates Australian’s democratic and constitutional rights to freedom of speech.

  • It blames the informer for the behaviour of the recipient by claiming that ‘misinformation’/’disinformation’ can cause people to do inappropriate things.

  • It can be used to censor any information on any issue that any government does not approve now and in the future.

  • It puts the development of a code of practice in the hands of the industry, leaving the general public out of the loop.

  • No one government or agency has a monopoly on truth. Our perception of truth evolves over time with experience.

  • It will silence dissenting experts.

Some of the questions that need to be asked about the Bill include these.

  1. Who decides what constitutes ‘misinformation’/’ disinformation? (Their qualifications, experience, ties with industry)

  2. To whom and what products will it apply? (unhealthy foods/cosmetics?)

  3. How (by what process) will the government determine what constitutes ‘misinformation’/’disinformation’?

  4. How will it monitor the developments in that area to update its understanding of information/disinformation in the future?

  5. How will the government communicate to all Australians (of all ages, ethnicities, education levels and abilities) what they can and can’t say in the future?

You can see:

  • EMR Australia’s submission on the draft legislation here.

  • Journalist Dr Maryanne Demasi’s article about it here.

  • the draft legislation here. 

  • a fact sheet here. 

Feedback can be sent:

What else can you do?

  • forward this email to others to inform them, too

  • book a phone consultation to find answers to your questions here