5G harms workers

How safe is it to live or work under a 5G transmitter?

Two Swedish researchers have reported severe effects in two men, both IT workers living and working near a 5G transmitter operating at 3.5GHz, in a paper published last month.

Case study 1

The first man, aged 57, worked in an office directly below a base station transmitting 3G and 4G signals from May 2019 until November 2021 without experiencing any problems. In November 2021 a 5G transmitter was installed on the roof. The man didn’t spend much time in his office until April 2022 when he began working and sleeping below the transmitter. By May he had developed headaches that only occurred when he was in the building and disappeared when he left it.

He also developed a range of other uncomfortable symptoms, some of which he rated as severe or ‘unbearable’. ‘(T)he most severe symptoms were headache, arthralgia [joint pain], tinnitus, concentration and attention deficiency, fatigue, early wake-up, and skin burning.’

The man moved out of the office to a location away from 5G antennas and his symptoms disappeared within a month. However, he now experiences headaches and arthralgia when he visits high-radiation locations.

Case study 2

The second man, aged 42, worked and slept in the same building on the floor below the base station.

After the 5G antenna was installed, he developed symptoms, too. ‘He experienced worsened insomnia, tendency of depression, anxiety/panic, emotivity, headache, concentration/attention deficiency and to a lesser extent irritability, tinnitus, dizziness, balance disorder, confusion, and hair loss.’ He also experienced toothache, even though his teeth had previously been healthy and problem-free.

The man moved away from the office to a rural location without 5G and his symptoms disappeared rapidly. 

Microwave illness

The symptoms the men developed are typical of microwave syndrome/illness, sometimes known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity. They include insomnia, heart palpitations, tinnitus, skin problems, headaches and neurological effects and often disappear when exposure ceases.

The authors say, ‘The presented symptoms in this case study after the deployment of 5G are typical for the microwave syndrome. They appeared after the deployment of a 5G base station on the roof right above the office and disappeared after the reduction of microwave exposure when the men left the office.’

Radiation levels

The researchers measured the levels of radiation in the offices of both men. The peak maximum levels they measured for the 57-year-old man (case study 1) were 1,180,000 µW/m2 (office) and 501,000 µW/m2 (sleeping area). For the 42-year-old man, they were 613,000 µW/m2.

These levels are within the range allowed by the Australian standard and the Guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) on which it is based.

However, these protect only against the heating effects of radiation. ‘Thus, humans are completely unprotected against all nonthermal effects of real-life exposure to microwaves/RFR from modern technology such as 3G, 4G, 5G. The harmful effects include cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, neurological, and other biological effects that may impair health,’ the authors say.

The authors believe that their study is one of the first to examine health problems in people exposed to real-world 5G signals. They say that it ‘adds to previously available studies that show that the microwave syndrome or illness appears at levels much below the current guidelines recommended by the ICNIRP.’

Nilsson M, Hardell L. Development of the Microwave Syndrome in Two Men Shortly after Installation of 5G on the Roof above their Office. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2023; 8: 2378. ISSN: 2474-1655; 

See also, the findings of an earlier study on people living near a 5G base station by Nilsson and Hardell here

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