Electromagnetic Fields Awareness:
an Online Training Program for Electricians, meters included
If you're an electrician, here's an opportunity to expand your knowledge and your business quickly and easily so that you can provide valuable services to your clients.
EMR Australia's Electromagnetic Fields Awareness Training Program for Electricians fills the gap between what electricians have been taught and what they need to know in the modern electrical environment.
It introduces electricians to the three electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that are present in virtually every home and building: electric fields, magnetic fields and radiofrequency (wireless) radiation.
This self-paced course focuses on the electric and magnetic fields that are generated by powerlines, wiring and other electrical sources that electricians work with on a regular basis. It shows you how these fields can be measured and explains strategies for reducing exposure.
It also shows how electricians can help reduce exposure to radiofrequency (wireless) radiation.
With the course, you receive two meters for measuring electric and magnetic fields with free postage.
Electricians who successfully complete the course can approach us for a free listing on our website and to become an affiliate of EMR Australia (conditions apply).
Designed and presented by Lyn McLean (teacher, trainer, author and Director of EMR Australia), this self-paced course will take you on a guided, step-by-step journey of discovery towards electromagnetic-safe living. Along the way, you’ll learn simple techniques and strategies that give proven results.
Course contents
The course consists of seven modules which cover the following topics:
- Introduction and background
- Section 1: Magnetic fields
- Section 2: How to measure magnetic fields
- Section 3: Principles for reducing magnetic fields
- Section 4: How to deal with common sources of magnetic fields
- Section 5: Electric fields
- Section 6: Wireless radiation - how electricians can help reduce exposure
- Section 7: Tips for wiring a home to create a safer living environment.
You receive
- 13 short videos packed with information and tips
- a workbook with information, questions and activities designed to reinforce and expand your knowledge and to cater for different styles of learning - it will be a useful resource for future reference
- 2 meters for measuring electric and magnetic fields: the Tenmars TM-192 meter and PF5 meter with free postage
- an application to be listed on this website as an EMF-aware electrician
- a template that can be used for ordering meter box shielding.
What are the key benefits?
There are many benefits of undertaking this course.
- It will increase your knowledge and understanding about the fields that are generated by the electrical equipment you work with.
- You'll learn how to measure electric and magnetic fields and what can be done about them.
- You will learn new skills that you can share with clients.
- You can help family and clients reduce the risks that are linked with exposure to EMFs.
- You can provide valuable service to clients who are looking for EMR-aware electricians.
- Electricians who have successfully completed the course can approach us for a free listing for their business on EMR Australia's website and the opportunity to become an affiliate. [Conditions apply.]
What’s involved?
You can proceed at your own pace, watching the videos as many times as you like and practicing the activities as much as you like to become familiar with the way these fields behave.
We recommend you complete the course one section at a time. First, watch the video, then work on the activities in the booklet to consolidate and expand your learning. If you're not sure of any answers, you can go back and watch the video again.
Your workbook will be individually assessed at the end of the course.
How much time will it take?
It's a good idea to allow about 6 hours to complete the course, but how long you take is really up to you.
The course contains 13 videos ( a total of approximately 2 hours ) as well as practical exercises that involve measuring magnetic fields and completing the workbook activities. As this is a self-paced course, you'll be able to watch segments of the video over and over, take as long as you like to complete the activities and practice measuring these fields. We expect you'll want to keep going - exploring exposures not just in your home and neighbourhood, but in your children's schools and your wider environment.
Take this opportunity to benefit from Lyn’s 28+ years of knowledge and experience and start your journey towards electromagnetic safety now.
You can see more course details here.
You can see more about your presenter, Lyn McLean here.
Customer Feedback
'I found the course very insightful. Lyn clearly has a wealth of knowledge in the field. It really opened my eyes to dangers of high exposure to EMFs, but also gave me confidence in finding the cause of these fields and solutions to reduce them.' Daniel Penfold
'I recently completed the EMF and Radiation Awareness course and found it incredibly valuable. The course was well-structured, well-priced, informative, and highly relevant to my work as an electrician. It provided me with essential knowledge on EMF and radiation safety, which I can now confidently apply in my business. Implementing this knowledge will not only improve my professional skills but also help my customers live healthier lives by ensuring their environments are safer. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their understanding and ensure safety in their professional environment.' Cheniah Vaughan
'My extensive background in Marine and Off Grid electrician has had me question what are we are being exposed to at home and work. Electric cars and various devices have flooded our homes and workplaces. In our training as electricians, we learnt about EMFs but we never learned the amount of exposure we get in everyday life or practical ways to reduce it.
I started doing my research and found Lyn from EMR Australia. I was instantly impressed with her knowledge and passion for the subject and I enrolled in her EMF Awareness Course for electricians. I was amazed how much I learned and now practice EMF testing on a daily basis as part of my business.
Never did I realize the high levels of electromagnetic pollution we are surrounded by until I used the meters I purchased from Lyn. They travel with me everywhere I go and I continually test my surroundings and different devices. So thank you Lyn for opening my eyes. I can now spread the word.' Eddy Vanderee
"Well informed course and great follow up after completion to getting to know the student on a personal level. It is great that I can go back and watch the videos in the course in case I have missed anything. The director (Lyn McLean) is a great person and is leading the way to creating awareness in society regarding electromagnetic fields." Terry Chan
Find EMF-aware electricians in your area here.